Youth·花漾 – SouLA A Cappella 2019 Spring Concert

Event Information



Youth·花漾 – SouLA A Cappella 2019 Spring Concert

Facebook event page:

co-host: UCLA Residential Life


Doors open at 7pm


Our concert highlights the theme of “Youth”. We are trying to express our appreciation of the youthfulness that UCLA students present. In the hope that we will pass on the openness and inclusion to the Hill community, we embody our theme by incorporating a more diverse background in the music. We created mashups of Chinese songs as well as crossover music out of distinct genres. Occidental and oriental elements are combined to present our experiment on multi-culture performance. Meanwhile, our inspiration from 1960s music appeal to faculty audience with recollection of memories. In this way, we are dedicated to present such unparallelled and precious college experience of students in the Hill community.






今年,SouLA 的编曲者们将爵士与摇滚,民谣与电音,古典与流行巧妙地穿插起来,形成了独树一帜的 “SouLA Style”. SouLA 在UCLA 的土壤里成长第七个春天,我们用先锋的实验唱出她包容、多样、开放的精神。这个春夏之交,SouLA 全体成员邀请你们来到这群年轻人中间,希望你能与我一同品味歌中若隐若现的一缕春风。




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– Instagram: SouLA A Cappella

– YouTube: SouLA A Cappella

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