Outside Voice: Tensie Whelan on Climate Change


Our new Outside Voice series highlights the perspectives of stakeholders and leaders on important sustainability topics. On the particulars, we may not always agree. But we believe in hearing and learning from others who offer valuable insights and a different point of view on issues that are important to us all.

Friday, May 10, 2019 – 10:25am

Our first Outside Voice is Tensie Whelan, a professor at the New York University Stern School of Business and former president of  Rainforest Alliance. She leads NYU’s Center for Sustainable Business. Whelan believes climate change is among the greatest environmental challenges we face, with immediate and future consequences that we cannot ignore. She recently spoke with our Outside Voice team about the work of corporations, governments, activists and individuals that can help or harm efforts to mitigate the effects of rising temperatures.

Click here to read the interview on Domtar’s Newsroom