Biden slams Texas, Mississippi for lifting coronavirus restrictions: ‘Neanderthal thinking’

President Biden on Wednesday denounced the governors of Texas and Mississippi for lifting coronavirus restrictions, calling the moves “Neanderthal thinking.”

“I think it’s a big mistake,” Biden told reporters in the Oval Office when asked about the two states lifting their mask mandates and all capacity limits on businesses on Tuesday.

“I hope everybody’s realized by now these masks make a difference,” he added. “We are on the cusp of being able to fundamentally change the nature of this disease because of the way we’re able to get vaccines in people’s arms.”

He noted there will be enough vaccines available for all adults by May.

“The last thing we need is Neanderthal thinking that in the meantime everything’s fine, take off your mask, forget it,” he said. “It still matters.”

It’s an escalation: It was an uncharacteristically harsh response from Biden, who has been trying to cultivate “civility” and working with Republicans. Administration health officials have avoided calling out states by name, instead warning in general terms that it is too early to lift restrictions. Biden made the message a bit sharper.