Biden vows to get ‘more aggressive’ on lifestyle benefits of vaccines

President Biden on Tuesday said his administration would soon offer a more “aggressive effort” to model the freedoms that people have once they are vaccinated, as a way to encourage more people to get shots.

“We’re just getting there now to the degree that I think you’re going to see a more aggressive effort on our part to lay out that once vaccinated, it’s not only you can hug your grandchildren. You can do a lot more,” Biden said.

He made the comments during a conversation with six governors, in which Utah Gov. Spencer Cox (R) asked the White House to do more to increase people’s motivation to get vaccinated.

What Cox said: “That’s one area where we could use some help from the White House and others, and that is modeling what a fully vaccinated person can do. I like to state: We have fully vaccinated people; we should start acting like it.”

Follows criticism: Some experts have criticized the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Biden administration for moving too slowly or offering confusing guidance around what vaccinated people can do.

What’s next: Biden hinted that guidance on unmasking even indoors could be coming soon and acknowledged the slow pace so far.

White House COVID-19 response coordinator Jeff Zients emphasized that guidance would come from the CDC.