Brazil Signs Artemis Accords

06/15/2021 05:18 PM EDT


Office of the Spokesperson

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken delivered virtual remarks today to congratulate Brazil on signing the Artemis Accords.  Brazil is the first South American country to join the Accords.  Led by the Department of State and NASA, the Artemis Accords build a path toward peaceful and responsible space exploration beyond Earth’s orbit and are a keystone of our space diplomacy.  The Secretary thanked President Bolsonaro, Minister Pontes, Minister França, and all those gathered in Brasília, emphasizing that the United States looks forward to expanding space cooperation with international and commercial partners while aiming to land the first woman and the first person of color on the surface of the Moon.  NASA’s Artemis program will allow us to develop the technologies and experience necessary to mount a historic human mission to Mars.