ELAC Earns Honorable Mention for 2021 Dr. John W. Rice Awards

MONTEREY PARK, CA – East Los Angeles College (ELAC) recently was chosen as Honorable Mention in the 2021 Dr. John W. Rice Awards. ELAC was given this state-wide honorable mention for their accomplishment in advancing diversity and equity for our students but in particular the improvements in English and Math for ELAC students of color.
ELAC was identified as one of a very small group of finalists for the college’s accomplishment in advancing diversity and equity for the students of the California Community Colleges. This year, in support of the goals of the Vision for Success, the Chancellor’s Office has identified finalists for the Diversity and Equity award by focusing on colleges with the greatest improvement in the successful completion of transfer-level English and mathematics within one year of students’ first attempt of its students of color relative to its white students (i.e., that had the greatest closure of equity gaps in transfer-level completion) over the course of the last three years.
“I am proud of ELAC for continuing to advance equity for all our students on campus. In the past year, our work has focused on ensuring students have all the resources and support necessary to excel academically. Equitable access to education is one of keys to success for the communities we serve and it is an honor to be recognized by the state for the outstanding work we do at ELAC,” said ELAC President Alberto J. Roman.
The Dr. John W. Rice Diversity and Equity Award was first established in 2001 to honor community college staff members, districts, colleges or programs that have made the greatest contribution towards faculty and staff diversity or student equity. Dr. John W. Rice was a tireless advocate for, access to education, diversity, equity and student success. His work continues to inspire educators and leaders today. This year’s Dr. John W. Rice Awards ceremony will be held during the California Community Colleges Board of Governors meeting on Tuesday, September 21st at 9:00 a.m.
ELAC is in 76th year of service to the East Los Angeles Community and has the largest student body in the Los Angeles Community College District. To learn more about the campus and courses we offer go to [register.elac.edu]register.elac.edu.