Ivan Masayon is Highest Ranking Filipino-American in Office

LOS ANGELES, CA – Los Angeles County Assessor Jeff Prang has selected Ivan Masayon to fill the position of Administrative Deputy II for the Assessor’s Office, with oversight of the Department’s Administrative Services that includes human resources, recruitment, employee relations, budget, fiscal/accounting, purchasing, facilities management, reprographics, training and emergency management.

“I am pleased to announce Ivan as the newest member of my executive team,” Assessor Prang said. “This position has sweeping responsibilities that Ivan is more than prepared to undertake. He comes to the position with extensive experience in the budget process as well as the need for effective human resources. Also, Ivan’s understanding of the recruitment process is going to be a valuable asset at a time when it’s most needed. We are lucky to have him and we look forward to working alongside him as we move forward.”

Prior to joining the Assessor’s Office, Ivan was an Associate Director for the County Office of Emergency Management and managed the County’s hazard mitigation programs and disaster recovery efforts, spanning numerous Presidential and Governor declared disasters. He provided guidance to all County Departments, cities, special and school districts, non-profits, and local communities on federal/State disaster aid, assistance, grants and recovery programs.

Prior to working for the County in 2014, he spent nine years with the City of Los Angeles primarily as a Budget Analyst for the Bureau of Engineering and as a Workers’ Compensation Analyst for the Personnel Department.

Ivan holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Economics from the University of the Philippines Diliman, a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the California State University Northridge and an Executive Education on Leadership in Crises from Harvard Kennedy School.

From Left, Assessor Jeff Prang welcomes Ivan Masayon to the team.