SACRAMENTO, Calif. —  Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi (D – Torrance) implores the Assembly Public Safety Committee to advance Assembly Bill 2390 out of committee — a common sense fix to Proposition 47 that will hold repeat retail theft offenders accountable while providing mental health and addiction treatment and other pretrial diversion programs to address the root causes of crime.

Read excerpts of “The Legislature must take action to address rampant retail theft,” in the Orange County Register:

“More and more Californians are worried about increasing crime.  According to a recent poll by the Institute for Governmental Studies at UC Berkeley, 78% of California voters believe crime has gone up, and 59% want to see changes to Proposition 47, the statewide ballot initiative that lowered criminal penalties for retail theft and other crimes.

“That is why I am working with retailers throughout the state to introduce Assembly Bill 2390, a common sense fix to Proposition 47 that will hold repeat retail theft offenders accountable while providing mental health and addiction treatment and other pretrial diversion programs to address the root causes of crime. 

“In this way, AB 2390 will hold serial offenders accountable, while at the same time providing them the opportunity and incentive to address the root causes of their crimes. Offenders who enter diversion programs can receive needed treatment for substance abuse or mental illness along with job training and other life-changing programs. In return for completing the diversion program successfully, offenders can avoid incarceration and a lifelong criminal record.

California should build on the progress we have made in reforming our criminal justice system. Let’s not allow inaction in response to the recent rise in retail theft become an excuse to roll back this progress. AB 2390 is a necessary step toward addressing the rise in retail theft that will help keep our communities safe.  Californians are paying attention. It’s time for the Legislature to take action.