Doomsday political scenario takes shape for Democrats

The midterm election doomsday scenario for Democrats is becoming clearer, scarier, and more real as inflation and gas prices remain stubbornly high and dissatisfaction with President Biden is through the roof.


Democrats are seeing their chances of retaining the House slimmer than ever, with both history and the dreary political environment working against them. In the Senate, where the party had hoped strong swing state candidates could help save the majority, fears are also growing.


It seems that wherever voters look, things are bad in Biden’s Washington — and getting worse.

Gas prices across the country have fallen over the past several weeks, with the national average dropping about 34 cents from nearly $5.02 last month.


Most states have seen prices drop more than a quarter since the national average peaked on June 14 and some states have witnessed nearly 50-cent declines, though prices have ticked up in a handful of states.