Statement from Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell on Councilmember Recordings

“Tomorrow we commemorate Indigenous Peoples Day in Los Angeles. This day is all about reconciliation, healing, and bringing greater understanding of the hundreds of years of atrocities committed against the indigenous people of this land after first contact.


The tragic and unconscionable remarks that came to light today are a reminder of how harmful words can be when they are directed toward any one individual or group of people, especially when it involves a child. These words have no place anywhere. Words that dehumanize are soul-destroying even when they are uttered from the mouths of friends, loved ones, or colleagues.


So on this Indigenous Peoples Day, may we all rise to our better angels and reflect on how we treat others and how we refer to others when they are not present. This is another time of reckoning, and there is only one conclusion: that the people involved in these transgressions atone for what was said and take the action that this moment requires of them. That includes stepping down from any privileged position, including that of City Council President, and to take the time required to regain the trust needed in order to carry on and find a way to recapture the remarkable credibility they’ve all maintained over the years that has resulted in so much good. That is the only path forward.” -Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell