Supervisor Janice Hahn Stands with Starbucks Baristas’ Red Cup Rebellion

Starbucks Picketline

Supervisor Janice Hahn, Long Beach Mayor-elect Rex Richardson, and Starbucks employees rally outside of a Starbucks location in Long Beach. Credit: Bryan Chan

Long Beach, CA—Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn joined the picket line outside a Starbucks location at 7th Street and Redondo Avenue in Long Beach with unionized baristas protesting the company’s union busting tactics.  The nationwide walkout falls on Starbucks’ “Red Cup Day” when the company hands out reusable holiday themed cups and generally one of Starbucks’ busiest days.

Supervisor Hahn released the following statement in support of baristas nationwide:

“I stand in solidarity with baristas here in Long Beach and across the nation who are victims of Starbucks’ illegal union busting tactics. These workers have been brave and have stood up for their right to unionize despite threats of retaliation from their employer.

Starbucks is handing out reusable red cups today… let’s make sure their workers are not disposable. It is time for Starbucks to end these illegal union-busting practices and bargain in good faith with ALL Starbucks workers exercising their right to form a union.”

Starbucks Baristas Group photo

Credit: Bryan Chan

Hahn sign starbucks

Credit: Bryan Chan