Notice of Vacancy of LAFCO Alternate Public Member

There is a vacancy for the office of Alternate Public Member of the Local Agency Formation Commission for the County of Los Angeles (LAFCO). Any vacancy in the membership of the Commission is filled by appointment by the body which originally appointed the member whose office has become vacant. The remaining term of office of the Alternate Public Member expires on May 1, 2024. Thereafter, the term of office is four (4) years, with no restrictions against the incumbent seeking re-appointment.

LAFCO is a State-mandated Commission charged with the responsibility to provide for the orderly formation and growth of cities and special districts. LAFCO consists of nine (9) regular members and six (6) alternate members. One regular member (and alternate member) represents the general public.

Pursuant to State law, LAFCO reviews and holds public hearings on proposals for boundary changes for 88 cities and 89 special districts in Los Angeles County. The Commission is also responsible for preparing and adopting municipal service reviews of the cities and special districts, and determining and periodically updating their spheres of influence.

The Commission consists of nine (9) regular members and six (6) alternate members, including representatives from the County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors, the City of Los Angeles, the San Fernando Valley, and the other 87 cities, and the independent special districts in Los Angeles County. The Public Member is a regular member of the Commission and represents the general public. The Public Member and Alternate Public Member are appointed by the other members of the Commission. The Alternate Public Member serves and votes in place of the Public Member when the Public Member is absent or disqualified from participating in a meeting of the Commission.

The Commission meets once a month in downtown Los Angeles at the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration (500 West Temple Street). Members currently receive $150 per meeting attended, plus mileage expenses for travel to and from meetings.

Prospective applicants must be a resident of Los Angeles County. No Public Member or Alternate Public Member shall be an officer or employee of the County of Los Angeles or serve on any city or special district within the territory of the County of Los Angeles. This restriction applies at the time of appointment, meaning that applicants whose application indicates an intent to resign or retire prior to final appointment from any prohibited office, employment, or appointment may still be considered by the Commission.

An application is available on the homepage of LAFCO’s website ( The deadline to submit an application is 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023. Applications can be submitted in person, by U.S. mail or courier (LAFCO, 80 South Lake Avenue, Suite 870, Pasadena, California, 91101), or by e-mail to Alisha O’Brien ([email protected]). The office hours are Monday – Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., closed Fridays and Holidays.