Conversion of Vacant Office Buildings to Affordable Housing Moves Forward

SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom today announced an update in the state’s efforts to to build more housing with the selection of McCormack Baron Salazar, Inc. as lead developer to convert three state office buildings along Capitol Mall in Sacramento into affordable housing.

What you need to know: In 2019, to help address California’s Housing crisis, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-06-19 to prioritize conversion of excess state properties into affordable housing. The three Sacramento buildings could transform into upwards of 400 new homes with a range of affordability. This will not only add much-needed housing to the area, but shows how cities can reimagine what downtown neighborhoods and communities can be for their residents.

What Governor Newsom said: “We need to build more housing, faster. Everyone in California deserves to have a home and in just a few years we’ve made significant investments and progress to address the state’s housing crisis. Projects like these are reimagining what our cities look like – creating more housing near transit, work, and shops – all while increasing affordability and fighting climate change.”

Learn More About the Projects Here