Northeast China to blaze path of high-quality, sustainable development

By People’s Daily

Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized the need to blaze a path of high-quality and sustainable development with more courage and concrete actions, and stressed “writing a new chapter” in striving for the full revitalization of northeast China.

Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks as he convened a key meeting in Harbin, northeast China’s Heilongjiang province.

Observing the overall development of the CPC and the country in a strategic context, Xi profoundly expounded on the significant missions shouldered by northeast China, deeply analyzed the major new opportunities the region faces in its revitalization, and made arrangements for promoting the full revitalization of northeast China on the new journey of the new era. Xi’s remarks charted the course and provided fundamental guidance for the region to embark on a path of high-quality and sustainable development.

Northeast China is an important industrial and agricultural base of the country. It is in a crucial strategic position in ensuring the security of national defense, food, ecology, energy and industries, and thus is vital for the overall development of the country.

China attaches great importance to the revitalization and development of old industrial bases in the northeastern region, and has formulated and issued a document on the full revitalization of old industrial bases in northeast China and other regions.

Northeast China boasts rich resources, solid industrial foundations, favorable geological locations, and significant development potential. Xi said that efforts to build self-reliance and strength in science and technology at higher levels will help the region turn its strengths in science, education and industries into growth advantages; the building of a new development pattern further highlights the region’s significant strategic position; to promote Chinese modernization, northeast China’s role as a strategic pillar needs to be bolstered.

Looking to the future, China should firmly grasp the important mission of northeast China in safeguarding the five major securities (political, economic, military, cultural and social securities) of the country, and firmly grasp the primary task of promoting high-quality development and the strategic task of building new development paradigm.

It is also important to coordinate development and security, adopt goal-oriented and problem-oriented approaches, and consolidate strengths and make up for deficiencies.

Xi also called for more support and stimulating endogenous motivating power, and emphasized the need to blaze a new path for high-quality and sustainable development with tenacity, more courage and concrete actions, so as to write a new chapter for the full revitalization of northeast China.

Xi stressed the importance to promote industrial innovation with sci-tech innovation, and accelerate the development of a modern industrial system with the characteristics and advantages of northeast China. He also noted that the region should prioritize the development of modern agriculture and accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.

Xi further stressed the need to accelerate the construction of a modern infrastructure system and enhance the level of opening up and cooperation domestically and internationally. He also noted that the overall population quality should be improved so that the revitalization of northeast China on all fronts can be sustained by the high-quality development of the population.

Besides, Xi called for efforts to further improve the political landscape and create a sound business environment.

In the course of fully revitalizing the region, it is a must to develop the real economy, encourage sci-tech innovation, and promote the upgrading of its industries.

Furthermore, the region should serve as a “ballast” in ensuring national food security, integrate itself more deeply into the Belt and Road Initiative, systematically arrange the construction of modern infrastructure system, improve the overall population quality to promote the high-quality development of the population, and develop a cordial and clean relationship between government and businesses across the board, making new breakthroughs in the full revitalization of northeast China.