CDPH Announces $16.3 Million in Awards for Youth Suicide Prevention

Awards will provide additional resources and support for youth disproportionally impacted by suicide

New Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources Available to Support Youth, Parents, Caregivers, Teachers, Schools

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: As part of Governor Newsom’s Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI), a new media and outreach campaign at the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) will fund grants to community-led suicide prevention projects focusing on youth with an increased risk of suicide.


SACRAMENTO September 15, 2023–Suicide is the second leading cause of death among adolescents and young adults aged 15 to 24 in California. To support the mental health and wellbeing of California’s young people, CDPH awarded $16,380,000 in grants to 34 youth-serving tribal and community-based organizations to support the implementation of its Youth Suicide Prevention Media and Outreach Campaign.

“Suicide is a major public health concern in California that can have both immediate and long-term impacts on individuals, families, and entire communities,” said Dr. Tomás J. Aragón, CDPH Director and State Public Health Officer. “These grants ensure that statewide suicide prevention efforts and resources are reaching communities that need them the most, especially our young people that have some of the highest rates of suicide.”


  • RAGE (The Race and Gender Equity Project): “The multiple pandemics of the last few years have really shone a spotlight on the mental health needs of Black youth.  What this time has also shown us is that youth are what youth need. We are grateful that these funds will allow us to not only dismantle the stigma around mental health by illustrating the needs of young people but will also allow us to support youth in uplifting the power, agency, resistance, and creativity they have in finding innovative, youth-driven solutions to meet those needs.” – Stacey Ault, CEO
  • YOALI (Youth Outreach and Leadership Institute): ” We are happy to be part of a campaign that will help provide our youth with the coping tools to overcome life’s unfairness.” – Robert Castro
  • Two Feathers Native American Family Services: “The grant is important to us because preventing suicide and supporting Native youth to thrive is a big part of the work we do and we believe this grant will help us to uplift the strengths and beauty of our local Native traditions and youth. We will use the grant funding to support our Native youth ambassadors to learn media and advocacy strategies to support Native wellness in Humboldt County.” – Virgil Moorehead, Executive Director
  • KidsFirst (KidsFirst Child Abuse Prevention Council of Placer County)“KidsFirst is honored to have been chosen as one of the grant recipients for the Suicide Prevention Media and Outreach Campaign. This grant will be monumental in our organization’s attempt to provide much needed resources to our CSEC (Commercially Sexually Exploited Children) youth population within Placer County. With suicide ideation so prevalent within this group of vulnerable teens, we are thrilled to have the opportunity and funding to create tools that will provide vital support that these teens need. Our plan is to work with our teens in focus groups, to create and implement tools that are relevant and accessible.  If one life is saved, it will be worth every penny. However, we are confident that this grant and the tools created will have an immense impact on the teens we serve for years to come! Thank you in advance for this opportunity.” – Debbie Gabelich, CEO

AWARD DETAILS: These investments range from $300,000 to $500,000. A list of awarded organizations, amounts funded, and the populations to be served is available on the Center at Sierra Health Foundation’s Youth Suicide Prevention Media and Outreach Campaign website.


The California Health and Human Services (CalHHS) Agency recently launched an updated Youth Suicide Prevention Hub with additional resources for youth, families and teachers. From videos to guides and additional information, these resources can help individuals recognize the warning signs of suicide and learn how to support someone who may be struggling with anxiety and hopelessness.

The CalHHS Back-to-School Mental Health Hub has also been updated. These curated resources are available to support students, parents and caregivers, as well as teachers and schools during back-to-school season.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI) is part of Governor Newsom’s Master Plan for Kids’ Mental Health. This campaign seeks to reduce youth suicide, suicide attempts, self-harm behavior, and suicidal ideation among youth disproportionally impacted by suicide. Partners will focus on the youth populations with the highest rate, count, and growth in rate of suicide, including youth who are American Indian/Native Alaskan, Hispanic/Latinx, and African American/Black, as well as intersectional populations, including youth with mental health conditions and/or substance use issues, youth impacted by the foster care system, and youth who identify as 2S/LGBTQ+.


To learn more about suicide and self-harm, suicide prevention, crisis hotlines and resources, visit the Office of Suicide Prevention (OSP).

If you or someone you know needs immediate support, don’t wait, there is free, confidential help available 24/7 – call or text 988 or chat at