Fighting Climate Change by Rescuing Food: #HeartsForNature

Los Angeles, CA (09/28/2023) – GoodDeed, a climate action and hunger nonprofit, announced its campaign called #HeartsForNature with the goal of raising awareness and support to fight climate change and hunger. #HeartsForNature is aiming to play a crucial role in addressing both climate change and hunger by rescuing surplus food that would otherwise end up in landfills and fuel climate change. The significance of food rescue in the fight against climate change lies in its potential to significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions. According to the United Nations, about 40% of food goes to waste while more than 30% of the greenhouse gas emissions are linked to food. Food waste is a major contributor to global emissions, and rescuing edible food helps prevent the release of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere.

“GoodDeed and #HeartsforNature operate as a bridge between the surplus food that would go to waste and the people who are struggling to access adequate nutrition”, said GoodDeed CEO, Dr. Hosseini. “This campaign not only benefits people in need, by providing them with fresh and nutritious food but also helps in raising awareness about the problem of food waste and its environmental impacts.” Through education and community engagement, GoodDeed aims to foster a culture of responsible food consumption, encouraging individuals and businesses to be more mindful about food and reduce waste at its source. GoodDeed’s work goes beyond immediate hunger relief, addressing the root causes of food waste and its relationship to environmental degradation.

In addition to its positive impact on climate change and society, GoodDeed also promotes collaboration and partnerships among different stakeholders. GoodDeed engages with food donors, recipients, volunteers, and other community organizations, creating a network of support to tackle pressing issues related to food waste and hunger. By building these connections, GoodDeed creates a sense of collective responsibility toward addressing environmental and social challenges.