California Reaches Energy Storage Milestone

SACRAMENTO — New data show California has built out more than 6,600 megawatts (MW) of battery storage, enough electricity to power 6.6 million homes for up to four hours. The total resource is up from 770 MW four years ago and double the amount installed just two years ago, significant progress towards California’s goal of a 100% clean electric grid by 2045.

As greenhouse gas emissions accelerate climate change, energy storage is a critical part of California’s strategy to cut pollution and create a cleaner, more reliable grid – storing excess power from solar, wind, and other renewable sources generated during the day to meet demand in the evening when the sun sets.

WHAT GOVERNOR NEWSOM SAID: “The more homes and businesses we can power with clean energy, the more we can clean our air and cut pollution. California – 40 million people strong and the 5th biggest economy in the world – is showing the rest of the globe how to fight climate change while making the grid more reliable and creating new jobs. This is essential to how we fight climate change and protect Californians.”
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  • Governor Newsom has taken unprecedented action to streamline clean energy infrastructure and invest billions of dollars to build more faster.

  • Another 1,900 MW of energy storage projects are expected to be online by the end of the year, for a total of 8,500 MW.

  • The state is projected to need 52,000 megawatts of energy storage capacity by 2045 to meet clean energy goals.

Click here for more information from the California Energy Commission.