Save Our Water Introduces New Rebate Finder Tool and Resources Page to Help Californians Transform Their Yards

The Save Our Water website now offers more information on how Californians can access financial resources to transform their thirsty lawns and turf with water-wise plants


SACRAMENTO, CA (October 25, 2023) – California’s Save Our Water public awareness campaign launched a new rebates page that connects Californians with local resources and rebates in their area.

Californians can now quickly and easily find local rebates to update their lawns by simply entering their zip codes at Many local water agencies provide these rebates to encourage homeowners to save water by transforming their thirsty lawns and turf with water-wise plants or other drought-tolerant landscapes. As 40% of the water Californians use is outdoors, transforming a yard can save a significant amount of water.

Hotter and drier weather could diminish California’s water supply by up to 10% by 2040, according to climate experts. The Save Our Water campaign reminds Californians about the importance of making water conservation a way of life.

“California will naturally swing from flood to drought, making our water supplies unpredictable.   That is why it continues to be extremely important to use water wisely every day,” stated Margaret Mohr, Deputy Director of Communications, California Department of Water Resources. “We know our changing climate will bring more dry years in the future, and we all can prepare now for more weather extremes of wet to dry periods.”

Save Our Water has been ramping up efforts all year to make sure the message of water conservation reaches Californians year-round. In the spring, Save Our Water refreshed its look and updated its campaign website and social media channels (InstagramTikTokFacebook) in English and Spanish. The campaign has also produced promotional spots to address barriers and misconceptions about drought-tolerant landscaping with humorous and beautiful water conservation content (Promotional Spot Links for viewing: For the Love of WaterTough Love).

Additionally, Save Our Water has partnered with a diverse set of influencers and content creators ranging from educators, family-friendly channels, DIY’ers, parents, plant and garden enthusiasts, fitness coaches, and climate advocates.  Creators like Benji Le (@benji_plant), Emmanuel Duverneau (@Emmanuel.Duverneau), Brad and Tim (@CraftGrooms), Patty Rodriguez (@pattyrodriguez), and Free Plants Forever (@Free.Plants.Forever) have generated social media content to reach a wide range of ages and demographics to encourage Californians to conserve water, rain or shine.

Reaching Californians is core to the Office of Community Partnerships and Strategic Communications (OCPSC), who co-manages Save Our Water with the California Department of Water Resources.

“Climate change disproportionately impacts underserved communities. OCPSC is committed to meet people where they are with culturally competent and actionable information. We’re excited to serve as partners with the California Department of Water Resources to encourage our communities across the state to conserve water and connect them to available resources,” said Yumi Sera, Executive Director, OCPSC.

The OCPSC works with a trusted network of messengers across 100 community-based organizations, ethnic media, and other key partners to connect Californians with rebates, resources, and information on how to save water.

For more information and resources visit