“Ice World” won the “Best Documentary Film of the Year” award at the 19th China-US Film Festival

LAPost San Gabriel, CA (November 1, 2023) – The world’s largest ice and snow theme park – “Harbin Ice and Snow World: The documentary “Ice World” about the birth of this magnificent ice and snow kingdom, will be released in November.  The premier will be at the 2023 19th China-US Film Festival Awards Ceremony on the evening of the 1st, it won the “Best Documentary Golden Angel Award for Best Documentary Film of the Year”. Also winning was the official Beijing Winter Olympics documentary produced by Zhang Yimou and directed by Lu Chuan. Beijing 2022″.

Guo Shaochun, Consul General of the Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles, attended the award ceremony and delivered a speech. Yang Guorui, Deputy Director of the State Administration of Radio and Television of China, and U.S. Representative Judy Chu delivered speeches at the award ceremony via video. Yang Guorui, deputy director of the State Administration of Radio and Television of China, pointed out in a video speech that film and television are an important part of Sino-US cooperation and have long played a positive role in promoting Sino-US cultural exchanges and the development of Sino-US relations.

The 85-minute documentary “Ice World” was shot by the Culture Department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, the Culture Department of the City of Harbin, the Heilongjiang Provincial Radio and Television Bureau, and the Heilongjiang Film Studio. Qi Binying served as the director. The film brought together Chinese and foreign film production teams, and after four years of arduous filming from 2019 to 2022, it tracked, and interviewed some of the tens of thousands of front-line ice construction workers, truly recording the ice construction workers’ labor under severe cold conditions. It is a heroic story of building a world-shaking ice and snow kingdom in 15 days.

Ice harvesters work continuously in the wind and snow, and each classic ice and snow building combines design ingenuity and superb construction skills. The documentary “Ice World” was filmed as a documentary, and then used to review the historical origins of ice architecture and ice. The artistic creation connects the past with the present, leading the audience to a beautiful fairy tale kingdom, and showing the world the beautiful ice and snow world.

In 15 days, about 10,000 people concentrated on building an ice and snow world of 600,000 square meters. The ice and snow here have condensed the efforts of countless participants, just to bring tourists the most memorable and perfect memories. The documentary “Ice World” shows the hard work and mental journey of the builders of the ice and snow kingdom from a macro perspective. Focusing on the development of ice architecture in Harbin, it combines the rich ice and snow natural resources and profound ice and snow cultural connotations of northern China into film documentaries. This art form is presented to the audience. By praising the pioneers and builders of ice construction for their courage in innovation, selfless dedication, fearlessness of dangers, difficulties, love for the motherland, and the revitalization of their hometown, it demonstrates the good spirit of Harbin people.

Director Qi Bingyin

Qi Binying said in her acceptance speech: “With the trophy in my hand, I am extremely grateful to the tens of thousands of ice construction workers who accompanied me to shoot “Ice World” and the managers behind them. Because of your hard work in the cold winter, the beautiful world of ice and snow be presented to tourists from all over the world!” She also specifically mentioned that “the Culture Department of the City of Harbin and the World of Ice and Snow provided strong support for the filming of “Ice World”. Their help provided great support for the production of this film, a solid foundation.”

From left: Jingtao Zhao, Li Yu, Binying Qi, Jeffery Jacobson (Producer), Xin Luo

Yu Li, deputy director of the Culture Department of the City of Harbin, deputy general manager of Modern Cultural Tourism Investment Group, Zhao Jingtao, secretary and chairman of Modern Group, and Luo Xin, deputy general manager of Harbin Ice and Snow World Company, were specially invited to attend this China-US Film Festival. Xin and others conveyed congratulations from their hometown to Director Qi Binying at the scene.

The 19th China-American Film Festival and China-American Television Festival kicked off on November 1 in Los Angeles, USA. Nearly 600 people including Chinese and American film and television industry figures, government officials, and representatives from all walks of life attended the opening ceremony and the “Golden Angel Awards” that day. “Awards ceremony. There are more than 500 film and television works participating in this year’s China-American Film Festival and China-American Television Festival. The China-American Film Festival and the China-American Television Festival are hosted by the American Eagle Dragon Media Company and are jointly supported by the State Council Information Office of China, the National Film Administration of China, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television of China, the Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles, and the Los Angeles County Government. (By: Richard Ren)