L.A. County Supervisors Barger, Mitchell Issue Statements on Today’s Landlord Relief Fund Launch

In response to Los Angeles County’s $68.6M landlord relief fund having been launched this morning by the County’s Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA), Supervisors Kathryn Barger and Holly J. Mitchell issued the following statements today:

“This is an intentional investment to help mom-and-pop landlords get some financial relief that is long overdue,” said Supervisor Kathryn Barger“My heart goes out to the property owners who have been left holding the bag as the pandemic spawned tenant relief measures at their expense. I’ve long said we need balanced solutions, so I’m glad to see that we’re ready to get these dollars out the door and into their hands as soon as possible and without further delays.”

“Our residents have been waiting for this moment and will benefit from the LA County Rent Relief application portal now being open,” said Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell“Thanks to the one-time American Rescue Plan Act funds allocated for COVID-19 recovery, we can assist tenants and small landlords that were most impacted in our communities. I look forward to continuing working with the Department of Consumer and Business Affairs in ensuring these funds will fulfill their intended purpose of keeping people housed.” 

According to LA County’s DCBA, landlords will receive relief for at least 2,288 rental units through this support.

To be eligible to receive these relief funds, property owners must own a rental property located in Los Angeles County (properties located in the city of Los Angeles are excluded). Their units must still be occupied by the impacted tenants, and the rent debt they are owed must be due to impacts of the pandemic that date back from April 1, 2022 to the present.

If interested property owners need help completing an online application, they can contact a multilingual call center at (877) 849-0770. Language assistance will be available every day of the week, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. PST, in all County threshold languages (which include Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Armenian, and others).

In-person one-on-one support is also available through DCBA partners.

More information and a link to complete an application is available at lacountyrentrelief.com