Supervisor Hahn Votes Against Two Year Delay of Conservatorship Modernization Law

Los Angeles, CA — Today, Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn was the lone “No” vote on a motion that will delay the implementation of recently passed Senate Bill 43 in Los Angeles County two years until 2026.  SB 43 is touted as a modernization of the state’s conservatorship laws which have not been updated in fifty years.

In voting no, Hahn issued the following statement:

“I just voted no on the two-year delay of the implementation of SB 43 which would improve conservatorship law so we can care for more people with severe addiction and mental health issues.

The status quo is unacceptable. We have a drug addiction and mental health crisis on our streets. There are people who need help and treatment and won’t survive two more years. I want to see a sense of urgency from our County departments. I think we can get this done sooner and I want to see us try.”