LOS ANGELES  – July 16, 2024 – Today, Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services marks the second anniversary of the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Launched on July 16, 2022, the 988 Lifeline has become a crucial resource for mental health and suicide prevention, offering compassionate, real-time support for people experiencing issues involving mental health or substance use, or seeking help for a friend or loved one. Didi Hirsch is home to the nation’s first and largest suicide prevention center, with a decades-long history of pioneering services including crisis lines and suicide-specialized support services like individual therapy and support groups for survivors of suicide attempts and loss.


“The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is saving lives and significantly increasing access to mental health support, especially with the recent expansion of specialized lines,” said Lyn Morris, LMFT, CEO of Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services. “We are proud to be among the first crisis centers in the country to offer 24/7 bilingual Spanish support. Language accessibility and cultural relevance are vital for building trust and connection in behavioral health, and these values have been central to our organization’s mission. The ongoing need and growing demand for culturally affirming care for all communities, particularly those who have faced discrimination and injustice, remain a priority for us.”


Available 24/7, 988 serves as a universal entry point to access free, confidential support for any mental health-related distress including thoughts of suicide, mental health or substance use crisis, emotional distress and more. The Lifeline connects people with compassionate, non-judgmental counselors who are dedicated to helping people through a variety of situations. These counselors provide a safe space to listen, assess safety, co-create a plan and offer resources for ongoing support.


“The true power of the 988 Lifeline lies in its ability to connect individuals with highly skilled and compassionate crisis counselors who have one goal: providing support to those in need,” said Shari Sinwelski, MS/EdS, LPCC, NCC, Vice President of Crisis Care for Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services. “We are grateful to Didi Hirsch’s dedicated crisis counselors, who meet people in their darkest moments, offering them a sense of connection and hope when they need it most.”


While the 988 Lifeline is reaching more people than ever before, suicide remains a leading cause of death and affects people of all backgrounds, ages and ethnicities. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that suicide rates in the US increased approximately 36 percent between 2000 and 2021. In 2022, nearly 50,000 people died by suicide, the highest number ever recorded.


“988 has made a significant impact, but it is one piece of a bigger puzzle,” noted Morris. “The journey toward mental health and well-being is ongoing. That’s why Didi Hirsch’s model focuses on comprehensive services that meet people wherever they are – from suicide-specialized counseling and support groups for survivors of suicide attempts or loss, to ongoing and preventive mental health support. Our approach enhances resilience, equips individuals with healthy coping skills and fosters a supportive community,” concluded Morris.


In addition to operating the 988 Lifeline in Los Angeles County and surrounding communities, Didi Hirsch’s Suicide Prevention Center offers a range of services, including multiple hotlines such as Teen Line and the Disaster Distress Helpline. The Suicide Counseling Center also offers suicide-specialized individual and family counseling, support groups, trainings and outreach. For more information, visit www.crisiscare.org.


To help navigate these challenging times, Didi Hirsch is sharing the following top five tips and reminders:


Tips and Reminders from Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services

  1. 24/7 Support: You Are Not Alone. If you are in crisis, 988 is available 24/7 from anywhere in the US, providing free and confidential support. 988 is for anyone in distress or worried about someone else’s mental health.
  2. Tailored Support: Specialized Lines Through 988. Access support for Spanish-speakers, LGBTQI+ people and Veterans by making the designated selection when you contact 988.
  3. Continued Support: Comprehensive Care for All. Didi Hirsch’s leading Suicide Prevention Center offers specialized individual, group and family counseling for those affected by a suicide loss, attempt or thought of suicide across the state of California.
  4. Recognize the Signs: Top Warning Indicators. Look out for drastic mood changes and withdrawal from friends and family, as well as talking about wanting to die or feeling like a burden to others.
  5. How to Help: Top Tips for Supporting Someone. Listen without judgment, stay connected and encourage them to seek support.


Post-Script for Stories on Suicide:

If you or someone you know is in a mental health or suicidal crisis, help is available. Call or text the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline or chat 988lifeline.org. 988 is available 24/7 and is free and confidential.