After 40% drop in crime on Metro line, Hahn supports expansion of “Tap to Exit” program

Metro Tap to Exit Pilot Program at North Hollywood Station

Los Angeles, CA July 16, 2024 – Today, during her first week as Chair of the Metro Board of Directors, Hahn has announced her support for the expanding the successful “Tap to Exit” policy after the pilot program reduced reported crime and incidents on the Transit Watch app by 40%.

“The numbers cannot be ignored – the Tap to Exit program is even more effective than many of us had imagined and I agree with Metro that we should expand it quickly,” said Chair Hahn. “This is about keeping our riders safe and our pilot program at the North Hollywood station has proven that it not only prevents crime but improves rider experience, with 9 in 10 riders telling Metro they now feel safer and are noticing cleaner stations and trains. We have a lot of work to do to better protect our riders, but this is low-hanging fruit, and we should act as quickly as possible.” 

The Tap to Exit policy requires that riders tap their cards to exit the Metro rail station, more effectively ensuring that every rider pays their fare. A Tap to Exit pilot program was originally launched in May of this year at the North Hollywood B Line (Red Line) station. Since the policy was put in place, reported crime and incidents on the Transit Watch app dropped 40% along the B line and in a bilingual station survey of over 100 passengers at North Hollywood Station, 9 in 10 customers reported feeling safer and noticed cleaner stations and trains since the pilot program started.

Metro staff is now assessing the results of the program and it is expected to provide recommendations to expand it to other Metro Rail stations.