Barger Urges Residents: Do Your Part to Prevent Wildfires During Scorching L.A. County Heat Wave


As scorching triple-digit temperatures engulf Los Angeles County today and throughout the weekend, and excessive heat warnings for many communities in Los Angeles County’s Fifth District, Supervisor Kathryn Barger urges residents to do their part to lessen the threat of wildfires. She issued the following statement today:

“Conditions are ripe for triggering a wildfire in our County, especially in the foothill and northern communities I represent.

I’m calling on the public to please remain vigilant. We all need to do our part to decrease the likelihood of wildfires. Even the smallest ember or cigarette butt can spark a big wildfire and have disastrous consequences. Don’t put your family, neighbors, or community at risk. 

I also urge all residents who live in wildfire prone areas to be aware of your surroundings. The best way to stay safe is to sign up for your local emergency alert systems and listen to your local news broadcasts. If you receive an evacuation message from local law enforcement officials, don’t hesitate to follow their directions. Prioritize safety during this heat wave.”

Visit for emergency preparedness safety tips in various languages and visit the Los Angeles County Fire Department’s website to download their Ready! Set! Go! Guide.

Residents can find relief from the heat at Los Angeles County cooling centers and pools.