CDPH Encourages Californians to Rethink Your Drink

Rethink Your Drink reminds Californians that sugary drinks may be riskier than you think

SACRAMENTO – The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is working with local health departments and community-based organizations to promote Rethink Your Drink 2024, an ongoing public awareness campaign designed to encourage Californians to consider the risks of sugar sweetened beverages and to make healthy choices when it comes to their consumption.

Rethink Your Drink compliments CDPH’s recently announced Not So Sweet Side campaign, an overarching awareness campaign which reaches California families and communities through digital, radio, video and billboard advertising, as well as community-focused outreach efforts to reach diverse families across California.

“Research shows that sugary drinks are one of the leading contributors to chronic health conditions, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and tooth decay,” said Dr. Tomás J. Aragón, CDPH Director and State Public Health Officer. “Through Rethink Your Drink, we empower families to reduce their sugar intake and choose water as a primary beverage.”

Rethink Your Drink is a year-round effort, but CDPH is increasing its efforts this September, working to bring together local health departments, health educators, community organizations, and others to raise awareness about healthier beverage choices and the health risks of consuming too much sugar.

September is also a crucial time for reaching communities and individuals as the back-to-school season begins, providing an excellent opportunity for families to focus on healthier beverage choices and build lasting habits as they transition into the new school year.

WHY THIS MATTERS: A significant proportion of added sugars in the American diet come from sugary drinks, and consuming too much sugar has been associated with an increase in chronic conditions and diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and tooth decay.

  • Studies have found that regularly consuming sugar-sweetened beverages can increase the risk of both obesity and developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.
  • Children with poor oral health and tooth decay tend to miss more school and receive lower grades than children with better oral health, while adults tend to lose more school or work hours for urgent, unplanned dental visits.

In July, CDPH launched the Not So Sweet Side campaign, an overarching education and awareness campaign designed to encourage Californians to make healthier choices when it comes to sweetened beverages. Rethink Your Drink, a long-standing awareness effort from CDPH’s CalFresh Healthy Living, compliments the larger campaign, encouraging direct action at the local level.

GET INVOLVED WITH RETHINK YOUR DRINK: Partners and families across California are encouraged to join Rethink Your Drink by accessing educational resources on the health risks of sugary drinks, available in English and Spanish.

Whether hosting or attending Rethink Your Drink events in September, activities like educational booths, interactive games, and water taste tests offer fun ways to promote healthier drink choices. For event resources, visit For family-friendly tips on making healthier choices, visit or follow @CalFreshHealthyLiving on FacebookInstagram, and Pinterest.