Barger Issues Statement on Prop 33 “No” Vote

Supervisor Kathryn Barger issued the following statement today after casting her dissenting vote on a motion presented to the Board of Supervisors in support of  Proposition 33, which would expand local government’s authority to enact rent control policies:

“My ‘no’ vote is a reflection of my unwavering belief that adding more rent control policies ultimately harm housing markets and communities in the long-term. 

Rent control can discourage landlords from maintaining or investing in their properties, leading to a decline in the overall quality of housing. It can even drive some property owners to withdraw their units from the rental market, which will make our housing shortage worse.

Instead, we must invest in strategies that address the root causes of the housing crisis impacting our County. Our efforts should focus on enacting comprehensive housing policies that promote affordability, increase supply, and ensure a fair market for everyone. One-sided policies like this one miss the mark.”