CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS TO TRAFFIC Imperial Highway Street Resurfacing Between Sepulveda Boulevard and Vista del Mar

September 8 & 9, September 15 & 16, and September 22 & 23 Daytime Weekend Work: Saturdays and Sundays from 5:30AM to 6PM
Los Angeles Bureau of Street Services will resurface westbound and eastbound Imperial Highway,
between Sepulveda Boulevard and Vista del Mar, over three weekends in September: September
8 & 9, September 15 & 16, and September 22 & 23. This daytime work will be performed Saturdays
and Sundays only from approximately 5:30AM to 6PM.
Additional notices detailing each weekend’s closures, impacts and detours will be issued separately.
Issued 8.27.18
LAX Construction Hotline: 310-649-5292 | @FlyLAXAirport | LAInternationalAirport