Chinese New Realism Movie Masterpiece “Never Say Never” Released in the U.S.

Los Angeles, CA (July 28, 2023) – The masterpiece of Chinese neo-realism film “In the Octagonal Cage” will be released online in mainstream theaters in major cities in North America on July 28. North American Huashi Film Distribution Company is responsible for the promotion On the afternoon of the 27th, the premiere was held at the AMC Theater in Times Square, Monterey Park, Los Angeles. Cultural Counselor Wang Taiyu of the Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles, Cultural Consuls Chai Yun and Mao Qin, Consul Yang Lijun of the Education Group, and local cultural and film celebrities watched the film that day.

Counselor Wang Taiyu said after watching the movie that it is a touching movie. I also hope that the American people can understand Chinese culture through this excellent film. Cultural exchanges will help promote friendship between people.

Counselor Wang Taiyu(Right)、Jenifer Dong(Left)

Jenifer Dong, a well-known Chinese film producer in Los Angeles and a well-known promoter of international exchanges in the film industry, said in an interview with local media after watching the film, “The film “Never Say Never” is a sincere work that seeks emotional resonance in realistic narratives. , we can see the director and the team’s hard work and hard work, and many scenes reveal the creator’s ingenuity.”

“It is believed that the courage and spirit of not bowing to fate, not compromising to difficulties, and challenging evil forces in the film coincides with the deepest desires of young people today, so the film can achieve dazzling box office results in China’s domestic film market. I wish “Never Say Never” can also achieve great results and reputation in the international market.” Dong said.

Xinhua Lu(Left)

Professor Zhou Tiedong, a well-known film critic and former general manager of China Film Overseas Promotion Company, commented brilliantly after watching the film, “The grassroots feelings of grassroots artists are simple and straightforward. Because they are down-to-earth, they have a sense of earth. The traffic work chosen by the people.”

Shi Tanxuan, a young director who has won many international awards in recent years, said, “Wang Baoqiang, who wrote and directed himself, integrated his best characteristics of “small person professional” and “action actor” into Xiang Tenghui. This role was tailor-made for Wang Baoqiang.”

“There are two scenes I like the most. One is the children and the uncle played by Wang Xun across the computer screen, toasting and celebrating, showing a family with zero distance; the other is showing the history of Xiang Tenghui’s characters, Facing the mother who has gone crazy, the story of being framed before the audience, these two scenes show the helplessness of the low-level people.”

Nathan Wang, a well-known Hollywood Chinese musician who is responsible for the composition of the film, specially invited his music production team and friends to watch the film at a cinema in Arcadia, Los Angeles on Friday night.

After watching the movie on Friday night, Wang Aiping, former president of the Southern California Chinese University Alumni Association and former president of the Southern California Alumni Association of Dalian University of Technology, tweeted at midnight: “I just watched it, and I burst into tears. Strongly recommend. I really like this movie, I like Wang Baoqiang, a filmmaker like him who works hard, talented and has a sense of social responsibility in the entertainment industry deserves everyone’s support.”

Lu Xinhua, a hall-level writer of contemporary Chinese literature and the founder of “Scar Literature”, Huang Heng, director of the Xinhua News Agency in Los Angeles, Ren Xiangdong, director of the English Los Angeles Post, Hu Wansheng, co-founder of Cloud Gate Entertainment, international supermodel, KYSL STUDIO founder Yu Yu Xiao Xiao and Hollywood Chinese young actor Wei Ran were invited to attend the premiere on the 27th. (By: Richard Ren)