New Analysis Highlights Crucial Need for Governor Newsom’s Proposed MHSA Reform & Bond

“The Governor’s proposal makes necessary changes to align funding priorities with the original intent of the MHSA”

In case you missed it, last week the Steinberg Institute – founded by Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg, author of the original Mental Health Services Act of 2004 (MHSA) – released an analysis highlighting the crucial need for Governor Newsom’s MHSA modernization and bond proposal – adding their trusted voice to the organizations and leaders in support of this historic transformation.

Earlier this year Governor Newsom announced the proposed transformation of the MHSA to align with updated care and services and better serve Californians’ mental health needs for years to come. The reform would bring more oversight and accountability to how behavioral health money is spent at the local level and ensure better results as we address our society-wide mental health and substance abuse crises. The accompanying multi-billion dollar bond proposal will build 10,000 new behavioral health beds and housing units to address California’s current shortage of community placements for rehabilitation and recovery.

  • “The Governor’s proposal makes necessary changes to align funding priorities with the original intent of the MHSA — including by taking a more inclusive approach to expand the use of funding to substance use disorder treatment services — and, most importantly, best serve Californians living with the most serious behavioral health conditions.”

The report spotlights the need for a unified statewide plan to address multiple crises occurring throughout the country, including providing ongoing funding for a statewide workforce initiative and refocusing MHSA funds on key services that remain uncovered. Additionally, the report calls out the need for additional oversight and accountability of the funds currently being spent, a key component of Governor Newsom’s proposal as well as the shortage of behavioral health housing and treatment beds.

“It’s time to get back on track – these funds were intended to be used for our most vulnerable Californians and we need to ensure they are getting the full support they deserve,” said Steinberg Institute CEO Karen Larsen, “ Governor Newsom’s modernization proposal will help put thousands of people living with serious mental illness on the path to recovery.”