Larry Elder Announces The “Blind Side” Initiative – An Executive Order to Prevent Family Members of Presidents and Vice Presidents from Enriching Themselves while in Office 

From Hunter Biden to Jared Kushner, White House has become a turnstile for cash. That must end, says Larry Elder, 2024 GOP Presidential candidate

Los Angeles, CA – Larry Elder says family members of Presidents just can’t help themselves from selling the Oval Office to enrich themselves — whether Republican or Democrat.

“Today I’m announcing that as President, I would sign an Executive Order to prevent family members of Presidents and Vice Presidents from making money off of the Oval Office both when their family members are in office and for five years after leaving office,” said Larry Elder, 2024 Republican Presidential candidate. “It’s clear that some Presidents have a blind spot when it comes to their family members — this includes Hunter Biden but also includes Jared Kushner who scored a $2 billion deal, and the Clinton Foundation which made billions of dollars. My Executive Order would put a stop to this.”

Elder said the Executive Order could extend to members of Congress and their families as well — members such as Dianne Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi whose families have enriched themselves off of the stock market and government contracts.

“Serving as President or a member of Congress shouldn’t be about enriching your family – it should be about serving our country,” said Larry Elder. “Democrat Harry Truman once said, ‘Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician, and I’ll show you a crook.’ By Truman’s definition, there appear to be a lot of crooks in Washington.”

Elder also called out the media for being soft on Biden.

“Where are Woodward & Bernstein? If Nixon had done even a fraction of what the Biden family has done, Nixon would not only have resigned from office — he would have been impeached, likely convicted, and would have lost his law license. Will the next Pulitzer Prize winner please step up.”