Hahn Supports Surge of Law Enforcement on Metro System

Los Angeles, CA May 23, 2024—Today, Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn, who serves as Vice Chair of the Metro Board, has issued the following statement after the Metro Board of Directors voted to surge the deployment of public safety personnel on the Metro system and direct law enforcement to be physically present on buses and trains:

“We have a responsibility to every single one of our riders and our employees to make Metro safe. Part of the solution must be increasing law enforcement visibility and presence on Metro. We need law enforcement riding our buses and trains. It does not do our riders any good if officers remain in their squad cars.  The violence against our riders in recent days and weeks demands a forceful response: a surge in law enforcement presence on Metro buses and trains and a unified command of the three law enforcement agencies.”

Hahn was a co-author of the motion which was introduced by Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass. Read motion here: https://metro.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=6699081&GUID=520B454B-9B68-4AA6-85EA-F63B1646CE11.