Governor Newsom announces the reopening of Topanga Canyon, months ahead of initial estimates

What you need to know: Governor Gavin Newsom today announced that a portion of the badly damaged Topanga Canyon Boulevard, on State Route 27 in Los Angeles County, will open on June 2,  three months ahead of initial estimates.
TOPANGA – Governor Gavin Newsom today announced the reopening of Topanga Canyon Boulevard ahead of schedule on Sunday, June 2.

Original estimates had the reopening of this important route that connects Malibu to the western San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles County scheduled for this fall. Caltrans crews have been working 24 hours a day, seven days a week to stabilize the area and clear the roadway to open the boulevard fully with occasional one-way traffic controls as emergency repairs continue on the highway.

Click on the thumbnail above to watch a video message from the Governor. 

“I cannot overstate just how important it has been for the state and everyone involved to see Topanga Canyon Boulevard open as quickly and as safely as possible. Thanks to the diligent efforts by the state along with crews assisting on the ground and the support of locals, this repair work has exceeded all our expectations by opening months ahead of initial estimates.”

Governor Gavin Newsom
Topanga Canyon Boulevard shortly after March storms. 
In March, storms blasted California, bringing with it high winds and heavy precipitation. As a result, multiple communities experienced serious damage to roadways including Topanga Canyon Boulevard where the hillside slid onto the highway, bringing down dirt and rocks, including a car-sized boulder.

The unstable conditions of the slope above the roadside initially prevented repairs, as the area was too dangerous for work crews. This blockage cut off access for local residents, including the community of Topanga, which faced hours-long detours and the loss of revenue to local businesses. Topanga Canyon Boulevard is the evacuation route for Topanga Canyon, making the reopening of this highway especially critical as fire season approaches.

On May 3, the Governor proclaimed a state of emergency to help secure federal funding to repair damage to roads battered during March storms, including State Route 27/Topanga Canyon Boulevard.