Solis Releases Statement on Today’s Presentation Regarding the Implementation of People Experiencing Homelessness Missions

Los Angeles, CA (September 17, 2024) – Supervisor Hilda L. Solis issued the following statement today, after hearing a presentation from Los Angeles County’s Homeless Initiative regarding the implementation of the people experiencing homelessness missions, including the utilization of the Emergency Proclamation’s tools and delegated authorities from the Departments of Mental Health and Public Health.

“Addressing the crisis in Skid Row requires more than immediate relief — it demands a comprehensive reevaluation and reform of the systems that perpetuate inequality. This includes investing in housing, providing robust mental health and substance abuse services, and creating policies that address the root causes of poverty and exclusion.

One of our key initiatives in this fight is the Skid Row Action Plan, which I have been proud to champion. This comprehensive strategy is designed to address the immediate needs of those experiencing homelessness while laying the groundwork for long-term, sustainable solutions. The components of the Skid Row Action Plan are straightforward, including interim housing, permanent housing, safe services, a Harm Reduction Health Hub, and a 24/7 Health Center. Since beginning work on the Skid Row Action Plan, unsheltered homelessness on Skid Row has decreased by 22%. With the help of Governor Newsom’s $60 million encampment resolution grant, we have moved close to 1,800 individuals into interim housing and almost 1,000 have connected to permanent housing.

Ultimately, confronting the crisis on Skid Row is not just about providing immediate support to those in need but also about dismantling the systemic structures that have long perpetuated racial and economic disparities. To that end, I appreciate my colleagues’ interest in addressing the challenges facing this community. I look forward to working with the entire Board of Supervisors to bring the Skid Row Action Plan to fruition and provide sustainable and ongoing funding to ensure its success.”