Hahn issues Statement regarding Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall

Los Angeles, CA (December 12, 2024)— Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn has issued the following statement regarding the California Board of State and Community Corrections directive to vacate Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall:

“I care about the young people in Los Padrinos. Relocating them from Los Padrinos is not going to be better for them. We have done it in the past and it has only caused more chaos and harm. Now that we have no other juvenile facility licensed to house pre-disposition youth, closing Los Padrinos would mean many of them would likely be sent to county jail which is the worst case scenario.

What we are facing are staffing challenges, not facility challenges.

Contrary to what the union is claiming, we have adequate numbers of staff on payroll and we have been actively recruiting and hiring which we will continue to do. But the reality is that many probation officers are not showing up to work and that puts an unfair burden on those who do and undermines the rehabilitation of the youth.

While I understand that the Probation Department is appealing the unsuitability findings of the Board of State and Community Corrections, in the meantime I am calling on all of our probation officers to show up to work in their assigned shifts. This is an emergency. You are peace officers and we need you now more than ever.

We are facing uncharted territory. I know that some people will say it’s too late, but I hold out hope that we can resolve this crisis without making this situation worse for the young people in our care.”