Job Posting for City College Cantonese Instructor Nears Close

May 29, 2024 (San Francisco) – On Wednesday, May 29, 2024, City College of San Francisco Board President Alan Wong 王兆倫 shared that the City College job posting for a part-time Cantonese instructor position was about to close. The part time teaching position pays $85.23 to $93.01 per hour and the job application close date is June 10, 2024. The job was originally opened on June 9, 2023.
Photo of Board President Alan Wong at City College
Since 2021, Wong and a coalition of over forty community organizations have been advocating for City College to retain its highly enrolled Cantonese courses and develop a state-recognized certificate program to give recognition to the program. Filling this position would make great strides in ensuring the long-term success of City College’s Cantonese program.
“Saving the Cantonese program is not only about protecting Chinese culture, language, and history. It is also about the very practical need to ensure that our large Cantonese community has access to public safety, healthcare, and social services,” said Wong. “City College is in great need of a qualified Cantonese instructor to step up into this role. We will be counting on this new faculty member to teach the next generation of Cantonese and English bilingual community members. Many enroll in City College’s Cantonese program so that they can become better at their jobs, or talk to their in-laws and grandparents. The next generation of bilingual Cantonese social, healthcare, and public safety workers is needed to ensure that the Cantonese speaking community gets equal access to resources. Whoever takes on this role will be performing a great service to the Chinese community.”
The minimum requirements to qualify for the job are a Master’s Degree in Chinese from an accredited institution or equivalent and native or near-native proficiency in Cantonese. Desired qualifications include training in foreign language teaching methodologies, experience teaching Cantonese or Mandarin in ethnically and culturally diverse environments, experience teaching Chinese culture and demonstrated ability to communicate fluently and effectively in English and Chinese. Other desired qualifications are knowledge or experience integrating technology into foreign language teaching and learning, ability to promote and develop the Chinese language program, evidence of successful instruction and leadership using culturally responsive pedagogy that leads to equitable outcomes for all students and commitment to rectifying inequities in higher education.
“I have seen so many monolingual Cantonese immigrants struggle with getting equal access to government resources because of the lack of language access,” said Marlene Tran 陳美玲, who taught City College ESL and citizenship classes for 37 years and is now a Southeast Community Facility Commissioner. “Filling this Cantonese instructor position at City College would be a big step in helping San Francisco get more bilingual police officers, firefighters and social services workers to serve the large monolingual Cantonese community.”