JCOD Launches Independent Pretrial Services Pilot Program

LOS ANGELES – The Justice, Care and Opportunities Department (JCOD) launched its Independent Pretrial Services Pilot program today at Airport Courthouse in Los Angeles.

The pilot program is the culmination of several months of planning and collaboration among multiple stakeholders including the Los Angeles Superior Court, health and justice county departments, the Defense Counsel Bar, the LA County District Attorney’s Office, various city attorney offices and contributions from community-based organizations and justice-involved individuals.

This program marks a significant milestone in JCOD’s efforts to implement the Board of Supervisors’ Care First vision to establish LA County’s independent pretrial services agency in JCOD. The program offers voluntary service connections, including court hearing reminders, transportation, emergency housing and care management services unique to each person’s need.

“I am so thrilled to finally launch this pilot program, which underscores our commitment and dedication to transforming the justice system in Los Angeles County,” said JCOD Director Judge Songhai Armstead (Ret.). “By providing supportive services, we aim to create a more just and equitable system that benefits our entire community.”

In the coming months, JCOD will launch voluntary service linkages to additional courthouses and begin the necessary steps to implement conditional releases.

For more information about this program and additional services offered by JCOD, please visit https://jcod.lacounty.gov.